8 Characteristics That All Good Managers Should Have

Some managers seem like they were born to perform their jobs, while others never seem to get the hang of it. Managerial skills though aren’t inherited, instead these traits can be learned and improved with a determined attitude and plenty of effort.

Where Should Focus be Directed?

Many managers mistakenly believe their focus should primarily be on ambition, but if they don’t have the skills they won’t succeed at advancing. If you are interested in becoming an exceptional manager: here are the characteristics you should have, and how to use them.


Being self-confident doesn’t necessarily make you a good manager, you also need to be humble. If you do have strength of character you don’t have to put it on display, when you do it only makes you appear narcissist.

You can easily blend humility into your leadership style by ensuring your employees always get the credit when it is due. This will help create a sense of teamwork and corporation that are often seen as good leadership skills.


It can be difficult for managers to earn their employees trust, but it is one of the most important characteristics of good leadership skills. It is also something that can’t be faked.

To build trust you must be trustworthy to your employees. This means always keeping your word.


You should never try to micromanage your staff. You should allow them to have some freedom, along with access to the resources they need.

Remember that your staff might have a different approach to problems, and that it is okay. Their new idea might be what resolves the issue.


It’s not uncommon for managers to forget their early careers, especially as they continue to advance. This can cause resentment between you and your staff.

Your paycheck might be different, but this doesn’t mean that you stop caring about the people that now work below you. Simply listening to their needs will ensure that you remain empathic.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

When managers panic or turn on their staff, employees quickly lose confidence in them. Remembering to stay regardless of the situation, will give employees the strength they need to make it through the problem.


Mistakes and accidents will happen, this is unavoidable. How you handle it will make you a good or average manager.

While you don’t want the same problems to keep reoccurring, you still want to provide employees with the support they need to improve their performance.

Be a Facilitator

Don’t let the lack of a tool stop your team from finishing a project. The best managers won’t let anything stop them from procuring the materials employees need to succeed at their jobs.


If you want to advance as a manager you must be diplomatic, and this applies to how you treat your employees, along with your superiors. While you never want to take one side or the other, you also should protect yourself. Knowing what and how to say it can go a long way in furthering your career.