Everybody likes to be recognized and remembered on their birthday, and your employees are no different. If you’ve got an employee birthday coming up and are looking for a great way to surprise and delight them, here are a few greeting card ideas, drawn from our massive collection:
This is a great pack to have on hand in the event that you’re a little slow on the draw and miss your employee’s birthday by a day or two. It’s a great way to show that you did remember and poke a little good-natured fun at yourself for being a bit late. Sure to draw a smile and be remembered, and with plenty of space for a personalized message.
While not a birthday card per se, this design can easily be used as one, while simultaneously showing appreciation for an employee who demonstrates noteworthy leadership traits. The phrase on the front face of the card reads “Leadership captures the imagination and enthusiasm of others. It is a beacon that cuts through the fog and shines the light of clarity on the path towards the ultimate success. For all those that are willing to follow, our leaders will light the way.”
It’s a great accompaniment to the lighthouse image, which reinforces the point, and of course, there’s plenty of room for a personalized message inside. A fantastic option.
The Birthday Hat Greeting Card
A simple, fun, brightly colored birthday card that reads “Hats off to you on your special day” and has plenty of space inside for whatever personalized message you’d like to include.
The “You’re The Best” Greeting Card
Again, while not a birthday card per se, it can easily be repurposed to be one. In addition to the message on the outside, which reads “You’re the Best!” the inside has the phrase “Outstanding, terrific and fabulous!” and still leaves plenty of space for a handwritten message to make it personal.
The Breakfast Bunch Birthday Card Sampler
If you want to have a variety of cards on hand so you’re not always using the same design for each employee’s birthday, this is a great set to consider. There are five different cards in this pack of twenty-five, with the following phrases on the front face of the cards:
- “Have an Eggcelent Birthday”
- “Sending you Latte Birthday Wishes” (for those times when you miss the boat and are a day or so late)
- “Surprise! – Happy Birthday” (with a cute image of a piece of toast popping out of a toaster)
- “Donut Think We’d Forget About Your Birthday”
- And “Hope Your Birthday is Better than Bacon” (which is really funny, because honestly, what’s better than bacon?)
As with all our other card options, there’s plenty of space inside to add whatever personalized message you like.
This, of course, is just a sampling and the tip of the proverbial iceberg, so if none of these are exactly what you’re looking for, feel free to explore our site. You’re sure to find something perfect!