As we wrap up 2019 and look toward the new year, you might start to plan for new initiatives and review the achievements of the last year. If you have an employee recognition program in place, now is also a good time to review it and its results from the previous year. Is there any measurable correlation between the program and engagement? Has it produced the results that you were hoping for?
Recognizing Employee Achievements Drives Engagement
More and more companies are now hoping to drive engagement in the workplace by engaging with employees in ways that benefit them. From hanging motivational posters around the office to fostering a culture of growth and understanding, recognizing employee achievements is crucial for the modern workforce.
Whether you have an existing employee recognition program that could use a refresh or you’re thinking of launching one soon, here are some tips to make the program a win-win for the company and its personnel.
Set Clear Goals and Expectations
If you want the team actually to engage with the program, clear expectations and goals must be set by the organization. Nobody likes having a prize or award yanked away from them with shifting goalposts, and when companies constantly update their program requirements, employees might feel discouraged and stop trying to reach them altogether.
Create a document that sets specific expectations, goals, and awards in stone. Make sure that it’s polished and speak with the team to hear their ideas too before implementing the new program.
Make the Awards Meaningful
It’s true that besides a paycheck, everything else an organization gives its employees is the icing on the cake. At the same time, though, if your awards or prizes are more of an afterthought, the program becomes less exciting. This isn’t to say that the award for most sales should be a roundtrip vacation to Australia, but your employee gifts and awards should be something they’ll feel proud to win.
For example, Successories is a company dedicated to offering a wide variety of awards and gifts. You can go with premium trophies and statues or personalized watches. Whatever you choose, make the award fitting for the achievement.
Make Recognition an Event
When we’re thanked for a job well done, it feels good. When we’re recognized in front of an entire group, it feels great. For this reason, you should make the recognition ceremony or event public and get the attention of the entire team. It doesn’t have to be as long as a Hollywood award show, but it should be longer than just a casual “good job” in passing.
Establish a timeline and create a calendar event for the entire team. Whether you do it at the office during lunch or hold a team outing to recognize the winners, make it a special occasion. You’ll have the chance to give the recipient their well-earned moment in the spotlight and bring the team closer together as well.
About Successories
“Success” is in Successories’ DNA. Through their corporate gifts, employee awards, and motivational posters, Successories helps organizations, teams, and clients succeed and honor remarkable achievements. Successories was founded more than 30 years ago and invented motivational posters for offices. Since then, they’ve expanded to offering everything from premium trophies and statues to custom drinkware and personalized watches. Whether you’re buying a gift for a specific professional occasion or stocking up for the upcoming employee appreciation event, make Successories your choice.
Shop Successories’ entire selection of motivational pieces and employee gifts at