8 Team Building Activities to Help Your Employees Bond

Has your team lost its pep? They may be in the need of team building activities to help revitalize their spirits. These events are an excellent way to facilitate bonding with your team members, minimize employee stress, and give them a chance to get to know each other better. Plus, they’re really really fun.

The only problem is, if you’ve never engaged in this type of activity, it can be hard to know where to start. At this point, you may head to Google and do a search, but it you’re looking for something other than trust falls, you may be out of luck – until now.

The Best Team Building Activity Ideas

  1. Professional Development Workshop
  2. Board Game Tournament
  3. Improv Workshop
  4. Employee Cook-Off
  5. Scavenger Hunt
  6. Sporting Events
  7. Cooking Class
  8. Painting Class

These eight team building activities will help engage employees and help them get back on track.

1. Professional Development Workshop

A shared learning experience at a conference, off-site workshop or even at your office can provide your employees with a chance to strengthen their ties while also learning the skills needed to advance their careers as well. The activity can something specifically related to their jobs but it can also be broad, like a leadership or negotiation skills workshop.

2. Board Game Tournament

If you can’t leave your office but would like to spark the competitive spirit of your team, do so with a board or card game tournament. Incentivise this activity with prizes for first, second, and third place.

3. Improv Workshop

Improv and comedy events are fun interactive experiences that will teach your employees soft skills (like trust and focus) while also strengthening their communication. There are plenty of professionals that you can hire to coordinate a fast-paced, competitive activity but, if this is just not in your budget, you can do it yourself as well.

4. Employee Cook-Off

A cook-off, while unconventional, is an excellent team building activity that can either end in disaster or even better, dessert. Divide your team into section, pick a category (like pizza) and challenge everyone to come up with something delicious.

5. Scavenger Hunt

Divide your team into groups and hold a scavenger hunt around the city. The fresh air and fun challenges will refresh your team, just make sure to take lots of silly pictures and hold a slideshow for everyone to see at the end.

6. Sports Games

Getting your team together and heading to a sports game is a fantastic way to boost your team spirit. But, that’s not all – it also combines both camaraderie and competition.

7. Cooking Class

Instead of Che usual outing to a local restaurant or bar, try a cooking class taught by a professional chef. Not only will your team learn something interesting, the time spent doing this activity will provide them with an ample amount of time to converse and get to know each other better.

8. Painting Class

If your team is in need of something relaxing but, you can’t afford a retreat, consider a group painting class. This activity provides your team with a perfect chance to express their creativity and bond. Depending your company culture, you can mix a little pinto nior with your pallets and commemorate the event with custom barware swag.

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