Category: Work Culture

What is Rage Applying?

“Rage applying” is a term that has only recently come to the fore (originally appearing on TikTok in December of 2022).  It is a behavior that a deeply frustrated employee may engage in after something negative happens at work, resulting in the employee responding by firing off a number of internet job applications back-to-back. It […]

What is Quiet Vacationing?

Among the new words and phrases that have entered the collective vocabulary of workers everywhere, you’re likely to find the term “Quiet Vacationing.”  If you’re not sure what that is, here’s the scoop! You know how, in olden days when an employee wanted to take a vacation, they ran it by their manager, and if […]

What are Bare-Minimum Mondays?

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there.  We’ve all had a weekend that went by far too quickly and then were faced with the looming dread of Monday morning, which led inexorably to sitting around for the first couple of hours of the workday, not really accomplishing much of anything. That, in a nutshell, is […]

What is Coffee Badging?

Coffee Badging is one of a slew of new work-related terms to hit the public’s consciousness since we put the pandemic behind us and some companies have begun mandating that their employees spend a certain amount of time at the office. Specifically, Coffee Badging describes showing up to the office because the boss says you […]

Leveraging Technology To Enhance Work Culture

Technology and workplace culture aren’t necessarily two things people naturally associate with each other, but on closer inspection, the two are closely linked with each other.  Below, we’ll highlight several different ways you can leverage technology to improve and enhance your company’s workplace culture. Improved Communications Zoom, Microsoft Meeting, Skype, and other communications tools were […]

Coffee Badging – The new trend that Employers are Frowning upon

If you’re not familiar with the term we used in the title of this piece, let’s define that before we go any further.  Coffee Badging is one of a slew of new work-related terms to hit the public’s consciousness since we put the pandemic behind us and some companies have begun mandating that their employees […]

Why Everyone is Desperate to Land a Job at Apple

Of all the giant, multi-national companies in the world, there are only a handful that have a genuine air of mystique about them.  These are companies that people fall all over themselves to get jobs at, and sometimes, will apply to literally every open position they’re even remotely qualified for in order to get a […]

Hybrid Work Culture – The Final Compromise?

To say that the Great Pandemic of 2020 was a transformative event would be an understatement.  It changed just about everything, including huge alterations to the landscape of the world of work. Virtually overnight, tens of millions of people around the world began working exclusively from home and companies scrambled to facilitate that change and […]

Managers Must Be Careful When Offering “Dry” Promotions!

Even if you’re not familiar with the term, you’re undoubtedly familiar with a practice.  A “dry promotion” is a promotion in name only.  It comes with a better sounding title and more responsibility, but not a pay increase.  The practice is becoming increasingly common as we move into a period of the economic cycle where […]

Corporate Volunteerism – An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Although the Great Pandemic of 2020 has finally released us all from its grip, it has left indelible marks on the landscape of the world of work. The notion of working remotely, once a fringe idea embraced by only a few, has become mainstream.  New terms like “The Great Resignation” sprang into existence as workers […]