Category: Leadership

The Biggest Drag On Your Company’s Morale Right Now Is Probably…

Here’s something that almost nobody in management likes to talk about but the simple truth is, in your capacity as the owner of the firm or a member of its upper management team, there are probably things you are doing right now…today, that are having a negative impact on the morale of your employees. The […]

How Managers Can Be Better Allies To Women In The Workplace

International Women’s Day is March 8th this year, and while it doesn’t rank up there with the “big” holidays in the year, its importance can’t really be understated.  After all, women make up slightly more than half of the world’s population and even in the most progressive, enlightened parts of the world, there are still […]

A CEO Cut His Pay So His Employees Could Get Paid More

You may not be familiar with Satish Malhotra, but if you live in or around Dallas, Texas, the name shouldring a bell. In recent weeks, he’s been quietly making headlines in the region for taking a step that fewCEOs would even consider. He volunteered for a pay cut in order to help offset the cost […]

Saying Goodbye To Interns

You may have interns working for you this Summer, or maybe you already have interns working for you now. If so, we’ve written some quick tips on how to say goodbye to your interns. If your business relies heavily on interns, or if you plan on starting, it pays to give some thought to what […]

Six Journals and Notebooks to Improve your Leadership Ability And Your Life

These days, since almost everyone has a smart device of one sort or another, writing things down with a pen in a notebook has fallen out of fashion. That’s a pity because taking the time to actually write something down, Old School, can help you solidify and clarify your thoughts in ways that simply making […]

Professional Development Strategies For This Year

If you’re like most people, you probably made at least a few New Year’s Resolutions as 2020 was coming to a close. Unfortunately, most people’s New Year’s Resolutions don’t make it very far out the gate. They wind up being abandoned just a few days into the new year. If one of your resolutions focused […]

Leadership During The Covid-19 Era

By this point, most people have reached more or less the same conclusion.  In the short run, Covid-19 isn’t going anywhere and it’s certainly not going to go away. Worse, even if the most optimistic vaccine projections are true, the simple truth is that the pandemic is almost certain to have long-lasting effects on how […]

The Importance of Recognition in the Workplace and the Manager’s Role

Here are some statistics that may surprise you.  Nearly half of all managers say their own anxiety increases when they have to give negative feedback to an employee that reports to them, which causes them to either delay giving the feedback, or simply not give it at all.  On top of that, fully 40% of […]

HR Trends for The Next Decade

For decades, HR employees have been seen as diligent paper pushers.  Business owners tended to view them as that quiet group in the back who reviewed resumes and scolded people when they broke the rules.  Times, as they say, they are a’changing, and HR is growing up. Now, they’re much more people focused than paper […]