Category: Employee Engagement

Coffee Badging – The new trend that Employers are Frowning upon

If you’re not familiar with the term we used in the title of this piece, let’s define that before we go any further.  Coffee Badging is one of a slew of new work-related terms to hit the public’s consciousness since we put the pandemic behind us and some companies have begun mandating that their employees […]

Why Everyone is Desperate to Land a Job at Apple

Of all the giant, multi-national companies in the world, there are only a handful that have a genuine air of mystique about them.  These are companies that people fall all over themselves to get jobs at, and sometimes, will apply to literally every open position they’re even remotely qualified for in order to get a […]

Hybrid Work Culture – The Final Compromise?

To say that the Great Pandemic of 2020 was a transformative event would be an understatement.  It changed just about everything, including huge alterations to the landscape of the world of work. Virtually overnight, tens of millions of people around the world began working exclusively from home and companies scrambled to facilitate that change and […]

Improve Morale at Your Company By Boosting Employee Confidence

Here’s a disturbing and somewhat disheartening statistic to consider:  A recent Gallup survey found that less than half of employees surveyed (49%) felt “very confident” in their ability to reach their desired position in the company they work for. Put another way, most of the people working for you aren’t confident they’ll eventually be promoted […]

Managers Must Be Careful When Offering “Dry” Promotions!

Even if you’re not familiar with the term, you’re undoubtedly familiar with a practice.  A “dry promotion” is a promotion in name only.  It comes with a better sounding title and more responsibility, but not a pay increase.  The practice is becoming increasingly common as we move into a period of the economic cycle where […]

Corporate Volunteerism – An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Although the Great Pandemic of 2020 has finally released us all from its grip, it has left indelible marks on the landscape of the world of work. The notion of working remotely, once a fringe idea embraced by only a few, has become mainstream.  New terms like “The Great Resignation” sprang into existence as workers […]

The Battle Over Remote Work Rages On

Our current trend of Remote Work and the recent Pandemic go hand in hand, with the latter being the direct cause of the former.  If there had been no Pandemic, then Remote Work would still be a fringe topic of conversation. The Pandemic, of course, changed all of that.  With the global economy virtually shuttered, […]

April Is Stress Awareness Month

In order to bring greater attention to and awareness of the issue, the month of April has been named “Stress Awareness Month.”  It’s no secret that our busy lives are increasingly stressful with a staggering 79% of Americans reporting feeling stress sometimes of frequently during the course of a typical day (per Gallup). The percentage […]

Polywork – When One Job Isn’t Enough

If you’ve not yet heard the term, “polywork” is GenZ’s term for working more than one remote job at the same time.  It, along with the ubiquitous “side hustle” are two of the ways that GenZer’s are attempting to gain ground in these uncertain economic times. Of course, the “side hustle” is nothing new.  Some […]

Your GenZ employees are “Quiet Quitting”

You may have heard about “Quiet Quitting” but just in case you haven’t, it’s one of the many new words that GenZ has coined to describe modern work and work-life balance. And it may be the biggest issue you have at your company that you’re completely unaware of. So, what is “Quiet Quitting”? In simplest […]