Technology and workplace culture aren’t necessarily two things people naturally associate with each other, but on closer inspection, the two are closely linked with each other. Below, we’ll highlight several different ways you can leverage technology to improve and enhance your company’s workplace culture.
Improved Communications
Zoom, Microsoft Meeting, Skype, and other communications tools were already going mainstream before the Pandemic hit, but it’s no secret that during the height of the pandemic, those tools saw a meteoric rise in use and popularity. That rise in importance seems to be permanent, because now, with the Pandemic finally behind us, those tools are as popular as ever, and even more widely used.
In part, this is because more and more companies are embracing hybrid work strategies, so an increasing percentage of our workforce either works remotely or spends a couple days a week in the office and then works the rest of the time from home.
In both cases, our new, robust communications tools play an essential role in enabling employees to talk to each other, and at the end of the day, that’s how a company’s culture is spread, reinforced and bolstered.
Enhanced Collaboration and More Opportunities For Collaboration
When the Pandemic hit, the companies that made communications tools found themselves scrambling to upgrade their product offerings to meet the demand of the companies who grew to increasingly rely on them. Chiefly, that meant adding new features that allowed for improved collaboration with an increasing number of remote workers.
Those upgrade efforts were largely successful, and today, we’re all reaping the benefits. It’s easier than it ever has been before to collaborate with co-workers and team members literally anywhere in the world, and that ease of collaboration helps spread your company’s culture to every corner of the globe you do business in.
Better Employee Engagement and Feedback
An essential part of the culture of most companies involves feedback loops enabling individual employee achievement to be recognized and praised, not just by management but by an employee’s co-workers. Thanks to newly emergent platforms like Kudos and Bonusly, that kind of thing is easier than ever and it fosters a culture of appreciation and positive reinforcement.
On top of that, tools like TINY pulse and OfficeVibe allow for continuous feedback and engagement, allowing managers to keep their finger on the pulse of employee morale and easily identify areas for improvement.
Another part of this part of the equation is your company’s reward and recognition program which can leverage technology to better track performance metrics for all employees. The important thing to remember here is to be sure your hybrid or remote employees are being served by the recognition program just as much as your in-office employees. And if you’re looking for ways to surprise your remote workers, we can help with that. You’ll find a great place to start right here.
There are plenty of other ways that new technologies have, and continue to enhance a company’s culture and if you’re not already embracing these tools, you’re missing out. It’s easier than ever to leverage technology to not only make your company’s culture better, but also to help it spread and flourish, everywhere you do business, no matter what business you’re in.