IYP Annual Licence Renewal
Price: $295.00
SKU: IYP-Renewal-SU
You and your team will love our IYP Annual Licence Renewal .
How to Renew Your License:
- Please read the license terms for the video: Annual Single User | Extended Annual Use
- Confirm the quantity of licenses. Each license is for non-simultaneous use only. For example, if you have 3 people, trainers, or facilitators that might be showing the content at the same time in different rooms or buildings, you"ll need 3 licenses... per material (Video vs Powerpoint) per title (ie 212 vs Cross the Line).
- All licenses are non-refundable. This is for digital products previously purchased. No physical product, DVD, or video will be shipped to you.
- Add the product to your cart and check out.
- After you check out and your order is processed, you'll receive an automatic email with a link to download a copy of the annual user agreement.