Keeping Morale High During the Coronavirus Pandemic

We live in uncertain times.  Recently, with the Coronavirus being everywhere in the news, the sense of fear is electric, running like a current through our daily lives.  Naturally, that has an impact on job performance.  How could it not?  When people are scared, they’re not going to be performing at their best.

Given that people are being encouraged to self-quarantine and stay home as much as possible, and given that large gatherings are increasingly being cancelled, including NBA games, the Boston Marathon, and recently, the state of Massachusetts has banned all gatherings of more than 250 people for the foreseeable future.

Social isolation is effective during a crisis like this, but it takes an emotional toll.  Employees, Clients, and Customers are feeling disconnected, and this is your opportunity to continue to engage and keep connected with those that matter most to your business. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your employees’ minds off of the virus troubles, gifts and awards can quickly increase employee moral, team focus, and productivity. 

We’ve got a staggering array of products in our extensive product line, so you’re sure to find modestly-priced gifts for everyone in your office and study after study has shown that recognition of any kind, whether part of a formal award program or not, does great things for company morale.

If you’re struggling to come up with appropriate gift ideas, check out some of our popular categories:

If those tried and true categories above don’t ignite your imagination, not to worry.  As we mentioned, we have an extensive selection of products with gifts and awards for every taste, preference and budget.  Just spend some time browsing through our full product line on the homepage of our website. or call 1-800-535-2773 to speak to a Successories representative for ideas and solutions.

While it’s certainly true that improving morale won’t make the virus go away, it will certainly help get everyone’s mind off of it for a little while and there’s a lot to be said for that!

And whether you have canceled an awards event or having your employees work remotely, we are temporarily removing our multi-ship fees, so you can ship directly to your recipients, wherever they may be.