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Work From Home Gifts for Remote Employees

Keeping your staff engaged and motivated while they're working from home can be a challenge. They may feel disconnected from their co-workers and can face new obstacles in completing their work. Our line of employee appreciation gifts will help your remote employee staff feel included, while boosting their engagement and productivity. With tons of products to choose from, Successories is ready to help traditional office employees transition to a new way of working and assist you with gift giving for your remote teams.

Work From Home Gifts for Remote Employees

Gifts to Engage Remote and Work From Home Employees

Long before the global pandemic, remote working was a growing trend. It is entirely possible, though, that the coronavirus has exposed you to the unique challenges of managing a remote workforce for the first time. If so, you might be scratching your head, wondering how to keep people you can't see and interact with directly motivated and engaged.

If you've been asking those types of questions, then this article will help, both in the here and now and long after future pandemics, because one thing's for certain: in the future, remote working is only going to become more common, not less.

How to Engage a Remote Employee

Let's start with employee engagement because that's the biggest challenge you'll face as a manager with remote employees. Keeping people engaged even when you see them face to face every day can be a daunting challenge, and it's at least twice as big a challenge when they're working remotely. The single biggest thing you can do to make your remote employees feel like they're part of the team is to maintain regular informal communications with them.

Think about it: When employees share the same office space, there are innumerable opportunities for small talk and 'water cooler gossip.' These are just ordinary human interactions that most of us take for granted, but remote workers get exactly none of that, which can make them feel isolated and disconnected. That, in turn, leads to lower morale and increasing disengagement.

Not every communication you send out has to be about work. Take the time, on a human level, to reach out to your remote employees. Share a joke. A meme. A funny story. Ultimately, the particulars don't matter. What matters is reaching out in an informal capacity. That's what fosters a sense of inclusion.

Basically, this comes down to making sure all of your employees, whether they're in the office with you or not, get the same treatment. Since your remote workers don't have access to those informal interactions, take the time to give them a virtual gift. One of the best virtual gifts for remote employees is having a virtual water cooler area for communication. This could be in the form of a Slack channel, a Discord server, or a Teams chat.

In a similar vein, treat the workspaces of your remote employees exactly like you would those of the people in the office with you. If you, for example, give everybody a plant to liven up their desks, make sure all of your remote people get one too! That applies to absolutely everything, by the way. Yes, providing training for remote employees is a bit more difficult than the readily available training your on-site people get, but taking the time to make sure they're not forgotten or lost in the shuffle really goes a long way.

Also, be sure you're taking the time to discuss growth and development, along with the goals, challenges, and frustrations faced by your remote team members. By being proactive on that front, you'll keep small, budding problems from blossoming into much bigger ones. Then there's recognition. If you have an employee recognition program, ask yourself when was the last time one of your remote employees was recognized for their efforts and contributions. If you're like many managers with remote employees, you may be struggling to remember, and it's quite possible that it's literally never happened.

The bottom line is, your remote employees do contribute. Their work often goes unseen because it's out of sight and out of mind until and unless there's a problem, and that's a big part of the reason that so many remote workers report higher levels of stress and lower job satisfaction than their in-house peers.

Change that. Make it a point to call attention to the accomplishments of your remote team members at virtual team-building events. Recognize employees with gifts and awards, just like you do with your in-house people. A great gift can be as lavish as a standing desk or as simple as a desk organizer. Even if all you do is send them a gift card with a handwritten note expressing your appreciation, it'll have an amazing effect on morale and engagement. A thoughtful gift is truly a give that counts. In fact, multiple studies have shown that recognition in any form has a bigger impact on employee engagement than anything else. For an office team member or a remote worker, it's true no matter where the employee in question works from.

All that to say, if you're worried that your remote work staff members aren't as happy as they could be, you're probably right. The good news is that there's an easy way to fix that!--With remote employee gifts!

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Customer Favorite Gifts for Remote Employees

Updated Friday 07-26-2024
Gift Box - Custom Journal & Game Set
from Megan Fournier of Brockton, MA

Gift Box - Custom Journal & Game Set

Beautifully Done
We ordered these gift boxes for our Annual Summit to provide to our Council members. They came out great and we are looking forward to seeing their reactions when they receive them! Thank you!

Personalized Wooden Candle
from Alessandra of undisclosed

Personalized Wooden Candle

Definitely plan on purchasing again!
Slightly smaller than I expected but we are thrilled with how they turned out! The candle is a soft vanilla scent, which mixes beautifully with the smell of wood. Our logo looks great and it came so quickly!

Sincerely Appreciated Personalized Wooden Candle
from DL of Vermont

Sincerely Appreciated Personalized Wooden Candle

Administrative's Professional Day
I purchased these for the girls in office for Administrative's Professional Day. Great gift. I love the personalization I was able to put on them.